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African women speak out for their empowerment

March 13, 2023

For decades, African women have been the pillars of their communities, working hard to provide for their families and loved ones. Despite this, they have long been denied their most basic rights, excluded from important decisions that affect their daily lives, and their contribution to society has often been ignored or minimised.  

Today, they still face restrictive social norms, and many gender-based discriminations and inequalities persist in many areas such as education, employment, politics and family life. 

When women have access to education, health care, decent jobs and economic resources, they can not only improve their own lives, but also contribute to the betterment of their communities as a whole.

Crédit : UN Women Rwanda/Next line 


Conscious of these facts, African women have taken their destiny into their own hands and have started to fight for their empowerment. They are now speaking out to claim their rights, their place in society and to ask for changes to improve their lives. 

These demands have taken various forms : 

– The creation of organisations and movements to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment; 

– Pressure on governments and international institutions to take concrete steps towards women’s empowerment; 

– Policies and programmes that enable women to participate fully in the economic, social and political life of their countries ; 

– As well as many individual initiatives to enable women’s economic independence. 

African women are supported in their struggle by international partners such as the United Nations, the African Union, the African Development Bank, the World Bank and other organisations. 

Among the initiatives created is the UN Women’s “HeForShe” campaign, which aims to involve men in the fight for gender equality. 

Crédits photo :

Launch of the HeforShe programme in Lagos. 

Ainsi que l’initiative SWEDD, Projet pour l’Autonomisation des Femmes et le Dividence Démographique au Sahel, de la Banque Mondiale, qui vise à favorier l’émancipation des femmes et des adolescentes, ainsi que leur accès à des services de santé reproductive, maternelle et infantile de qualité. 

Crédits : UNFPA WCARO | Swedd  

The empowerment of African women is essential for the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which calls for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls.  

By enabling African women to participate fully in the economic, social and political life of their countries, we can create a fairer, more equitable future and more prosperous and sustainable societies for all. 

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